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Writer's pictureShay Horner

Resounding Gongs and Clanging Cymbals!

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of Angels, but I have not Love, I am but a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal” 1 Corinthians 13:1

This has been an important scripture and teaching in my life. For over a year, at one point, I just couldn’t get it out of my head.

When I’m emotional, especially angry, I try to just be silent, because I know that if I speak, in that moment, it will not be for the right reasons. After my emotions settle, God may have me say something, but generally He asks me to remain silent and have faith in Him that the truth will be revealed both in myself and in the heart of who I’m speaking with.

There are also times when my Heavenly Father has given me some wisdom or insight into a situation, where I know that I could speak “truth” in someone’s life, but then I realize that my roll is not to “save” that person. He has revealed it to me so that I will know how to pray for that person.

If a person does come to me to ask for help, then I will tell them what I believe they could do to make things better, but by that point I have usually earned the respect of that person and they have asked for my help.

They trust my love and that my intentions are not to judge them or force them into my understanding of things. They have asked, I have not imposed. What they do with those words is between them and God. Not them, me and God.

Too many people today impose their “truth” on the world around them, but it’s done for selfish reason. They may even be speaking the truth but when truth is spoken without authentic love, then it’s just defining noise to the listener. Truth without love can be soul crushing and a weapon used against others. Others that we’ve been called to love.

If truth is spoken to judge others, or to prove a point, that you are “right”, you have already lost the argument. Anyone who uses any scripture for personal power or gain has lost the argument before it started.

If others can’t trust your love and intentions, then you have no witness or right to speak into their lives.

We all need to take great care with the intentions of our words and how they effect the hearts of those around us. I pray daily that my words do not offend because I truly do love those that He has brought into my life.

If I have offended anyone because they have felt judged by my words, I am so sorry and repent to you. My intentions have been for good but if I imposed my “truths” without you inviting my opinions, please forgive me. Father God, forgive me too.

It’s different when I share my blog because I’m not forcing anyone to read it or agree with it.

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