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Writer's pictureShay Horner

Taurine Supplement for Muscle Contractions and Neurological Health!

Updated: Oct 5

Taurine, a new treatment recommendation for the symptom of muscle contractions. This supplement has also shown great benefits for cardiac health and other neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s, dementia, and mental disorders like schizophrenia.

I have been waiting to post until I had a few weeks under my belt, but I’ve found a new supplement for one of my worst symptoms over the last several months.

For years I’ve had muscle contractions in my legs, particularly at night, but over the last 9+ months, I had developed muscle contractions in every part of my body, to the point that I was becoming concerned about possible Dystonia. The cramps were daily and would wake me several times a night.

At the beginning of January, 2024, another member friend messaged me about similar contractions and that she had seen immediate results after starting Creatine, an amino acid that is often used by athletes.

She didn’t know that I was suffering with these symptoms. She was just doing what many of us do, who’ve known each other for so many years. She was just letting me know about something new that was helping her.

That’s the beauty of our support groups! Our combined knowledge gives us more information than any doctors can!

I began my research and found that, unfortunately creatine can cause issues with the kidneys and liver, when taken in higher doses. I have weak kidneys so that was out for me.

However, as I researched amino acids, I found a plethora of new studies that praised the effects of Taurine. I can share the studies but you can google them yourself too. I will try to attach links to this post.

I praise the effects of PEA constantly because it was my “game changer” and gave me my active life back. That is still my #1 recommendation, but it looks like I’m also going to be praising the effects of Taurine as well now. I’ve written about my protocol suggestions in my blog, including PEA, so I will be adding Taurine to my suggestions now as well.

I started Taurine on the 6th of January, 2024 and within 2 days I woke up without any contractions. I waited for the shoe to drop, and for the contractions to come back, but I have been cramp free since day 2.

I have one contraction in my left mid back that is caused by one of my problematic thoracic TCs, but other than that one, I haven’t had any others, that had plagued me for months! I treat that one with a TPI (trigger point injection) with a steroid every 2-4 months and it’s been very effective.

The good news is that it’s not as expensive as PEA. There are no known serious side effects, like for the kidneys and liver. You do have to take a higher dose than the bottle states for therapeutic purposes. Research suggests 3-6 grams. I take 3 grams a day.

I did investigate the different recommended brands and found good reviews for NOW brand. That is what I have been taking myself, and it’s not very expensive.

When I made my first order I hadn’t really thought about dosing and I bought 500 mg. Once I realized that I would need at least 3 grams, I ordered the 1,000 mg pills. It really doesn’t matter what time of day that you take it. I take 2 am and 1 pm.

As with all of my recommendations, please consult with your medical provider, if you have any questions or concerns.

I hope this recommendation will help any patients that experience these symptoms too. After years of research and being in support groups, including as an admin for quite a while, with their collective knowledge I have tried to create an easy and accessible source of that information in this blog. 

I feel like, if my experiences and knowledge can help others who come behind me, have an easier path to recovery, then it makes my suffering worth it.

I pray for all of you on this journey, every day! God bless!

Update -

I want to add that it has not only eliminated the contractions, but it has done so much more.

For the first time in years I actually feel “strong”! The constant burning of my muscles is gone too.

Also, because the cramps would wake me at night, and every morning I would jump out of bed as soon as I moved, to walk off a cramp… I never felt fully rested. Ever.

Now, I’m rested! I wake up each day ready to go! No more days of recovery in bed after strenuous activity.

I even helped my husband lift our new TV and attach it to the wall yesterday! If you only knew what a “worst case” scenario that I was, just a couple of years ago, you would know what a miracle that is!

First, PEA gave me so much of my life back. Now this has given me strength back. It’s amazing how much gratitude a person has when everything has been stripped away and then given back to you!

I couldn’t plan a dinner for years, let alone trips! I’m traveling every month through August this year, including Northern Europe! I never dreamed of being able to do that again!

THAT’S why I started this blog last year! To give others hope, and possibly treatment options that can help them as they’ve helped me!

I’m still learning things every day, and when I find a particular “game changer” for me, I will share it with all of you! 😘❤️🙏🏼


Here are just a few links to articles that explain the benefits of Taurine for our neurological health and muscle cramps.

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