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Writer's pictureShay Horner

The Moment

I shared this with a friend, who’s dealing with a heart wrenching situation with her son right now. After our writing, I felt like I should edit it a bit and share it here, for someone else who may need to read it.

The Moment- My 1lb 12oz child, God moment

When we were living in the hospital, when Robby was brain injured after his 1lb 12oz birth, there were 3 nights in a row, at 3:00 am in the middle of the night, that we were called in to say goodbye to him. I look back on the 3’s and see that God was building up to the message that He would eventually give me.

After the 3rd time, I was literally on the floor, face down in that nasty, hospital, hotel room carpet, begging God for a miracle.

That’s when God spoke these Words to me. “Robby is going to be okay wherever he is. He’ll either be in your arms or he’ll be in Mine, BUT will YOU love Me regardless?”

I had been in church my whole life, but THIS was THE MOMENT of decision. I felt like Abraham being asked to put Issac on the alter of my heart. Would I trust Him, my Heavenly Father?

I thought about it a while before I said “Okay Lord, I will love you regardless BUT I’m selfish, can I please have him for a little while?”

The next day he turned the corner. He was brain injured and his life was very difficult but God had given him to me “for a little while”, 2 1/2 years. They were difficult, painful years but they were a gift for me.

I never knew what a teacher he would be for me and the impact that his short life would have on so many, but that ONE MOMENT on that hospital floor was my turning point of faith. It became unshakable, at 21 years old.

I’ve often wondered how some people can sit in churches their whole lives and still not “get it” regarding things like Love Others, etc. and then God will remind me, “They haven’t had their 1lb 12oz child moment yet!” and then I understand. Until we are at that ONE MOMENT of choice, we still don’t completely trust our Father and His path….

I belonged to my Father before that moment, because of the free gift of Salvation through Jesus, but it wasn’t until after it that I was able to see my Father more clearly.

Our love for our children is a pale comparison to His love for us, but it gives us an understanding of His love on this earth. When I began to see Him as a parent, so many lessons became clear regarding His relationship with us as His children.

I had always thanked Jesus for the gift of salvation but after that moment I began to see the Heart of The Father! He gave His Son so that we can be with our sons and daughters forever!

This is why I say that I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone but I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone either! To have suffered that moment at such a young age but to have been gifted with that moment at such a young age…

That Faith is EVERYTHING! It can’t be taught by anyone but God Himself and it must be experienced to understand.

Who knows, you may be experiencing the most unimaginably difficult moment of your life but it just might also be THE MOMENT that means EVERYTHING for the rest of your life.

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