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Writer's pictureShay Horner

The Rollercoaster of “Feelings” Decision Making.

Most people that I know, who have peace and wisdom, have been through very difficult struggles to develop those attributes in their lives. 

Some people don’t want to ask for wisdom, and they’re just carried along by their circumstances and “feelings”, never learning what God wants them to learn though their circumstances. They often repeat the same mistakes over and over again, because they refuse to learn from the mistakes and choices that got them there to begin with.

I remember learning, when I was young and my son was brain injured, that, “A person who just follows their feelings will live their life on an emotional rollercoaster, never finding peace in any of their circumstances, good or bad. However, a person who makes choices based on what they KNOW , may face difficult circumstances and decisions but they can have peace in any situation because they KNOW that God is Great and He is Good.”

Most times, people don’t get to that place of KNOWING until they’ve been in the difficult places of life to ask the hard questions! The battle of knowledge and wisdom can be in the lowest possible places of our lives.

Once those answers have been settled in our Spirits though, then it’s just a matter of holding on to what we KNOW and learned, for the next time we get to a Valley! It is a choice, not a feeling!

THAT knowledge is what has gotten me through the hardest of circumstances, throughout my life. I’m so thankful that I learned this lesson when I was young because it has spared me years of added turmoil and suffering.

We can’t change the things that happen to us but we do have control over how we respond to the things that happen to us.

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